4 - Hotspot Pheasant Tail Nymph Jig. Barbless Euro Nymph Fly Fishing Flies Tungsten.

This one is a perfect combination of triggers and bugginess. An orange hotspot on the butt as well as just a touch of shrimp pink ice dub on the collar add some flash while the Coq d' Leon tail, pheasant tail body and some hare's ear dubbing create buggy, proven fish-catcher. A tungsten bead and barbless jig hook are used on this fly.

Message me with any questions, thanks!

Bead Sizes: #10 - 4mm, #12 - 3.5mm, #14 - 3mm, #16 - 3mm, #18 - 2.5mm
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This one is a perfect combination of triggers and bugginess. An orange hotspot on the butt as well as just a touch of shrimp pink ice dub on the collar add some flash while the Coq d' Leon tail, pheasant tail body and some hare's ear dubbing create buggy, proven fish-catcher. A tungsten bead and barbless jig hook are used on this fly.

Message me with any questions, thanks!

Bead Sizes: #10 - 4mm, #12 - 3.5mm, #14 - 3mm, #16 - 3mm, #18 - 2.5mm
This one is a perfect combination of triggers and bugginess. An orange hotspot on the butt as well as just a touch of shrimp pink ice dub on the collar add some flash while the Coq d' Leon tail, pheasant tail body and some hare's ear dubbing create buggy, proven fish-catcher. A tungsten bead and barbless jig hook are used on this fly.

Message me with any questions, thanks!

Bead Sizes: #10 - 4mm, #12 - 3.5mm, #14 - 3mm, #16 - 3mm, #18 - 2.5mm
4 - Hot Head Pat's Rubberlegs Euro Jig - Barbless Stonefly Nymphs. Tungsten Trout Flies. Bead Head Nymphs. Colorado Fly Fishing Flies.
4 - Peeking Caddis Jig - Euro Nymph. Cased Caddis Jig. Trout Flies. Fly Fishing Flies. Colorado Fishing. Barbless. Caddis. Tungsten. Jig.
6 - Walt's Worm Jig - Euro Nymphs. Fly Fishing Flies. Caddis Flies. Colorado Fishing. Trout Flies. Tungsten. Barbless. Bead Head Nymph.
4 - Rumble Jig - Euro Nymph. Trout Flies. Fly Fishing Flies. Colorado Fishing. Barbless. Tungsten. UV. Epoxy. Attractor. Bead Head Nymph.
4 - CDC Pheasant Tail Jig - Euro Nymphs. Tungsten Jigs. Colorado Trout Flies. Barbless Jig. Fly Fishing Flies. Soft Hackle Jig. Pheasant Jig